Eileen Peacock
SVP, Partnership Marketing & Sales
Spends her days:
overseeing marketing and account management of our channels; zipping around airports, likely in heels
Also held these roles:
VP, Client Development, Executive Director, Publisher Relations, and Director, Online; Director, Publisher Relations at QSP, leadership roles at McGraw-Hill, Inc. with BusinessWeek and at Simon & Shuster in their Trade Hardcover division.
Got educated at:
Fordham University, B.A., English
Consistently reads:
The New York Times, beautiful cooking magazines, Lapham’s Quarterly, retail, airline, and loyalty newsfeeds, books by Michael Connelly and Ann Patchett, among others, the always full of surprises and beautifully written emails from her husband
Always has:
too many pairs of shoes on business trips; you never know what mood will strike when traveling
Can often be found:
yelling at the television (and at live games) during football season. Okay, baseball season, too.
Most enjoys:
spending time with family and friends, learning what everyone is up to and getting to laugh together
Wishes she was better at:
being patient
Hates to miss:
the chance to grab a few quiet minutes each night to read a book—the best way to end the day