warm up your winter months

Coffees of the World packaging

The winter blues. I’ve got ’em, you might have ’em – it’s hard to fight them. The quick fix would be taking a trip to some warm, exotic location. Unfortunately, trips like these come with a hefty price tag. But what if you could take a trip for just $15?

Introducing Coffees of the World – the product that allows you to “travel the world with every sip.” The newest product from Synapse was officially launched in November 2014. This unique program allows you to sample coffees from the Coffee Belt, the geographical area along the equator that produces the world’s most flavorful coffee beans.

We partner with a panel of coffee experts who sample and taste 30 distinct coffee beans and select just three roasts to make the final cut for the month – the cream (or milk) of the crop! As a member, you receive these three roasts at your doorstep each month. And, after you sample and rate your coffees, you can opt to get a full-size bag of coffee beans customized to match your flavor palate.

Instead of splurging on the all-inclusive resort that is probably too good to be true, wisely invest your money ($15/month plus shipping & handling) in Coffees of the World and thaw those winter blues with a warm cup of delicious coffee.